Marriage Care Ministry and Marriage Angels! Training

$ 30.00

4 hours of virtual training lead by Lorrie & Don Gramer and Raquel & Chad Tripp. This training includes Leaders Guide and Training videos for the following: 1. What Marriage Care is, and what it isn't; 2. The Why and How to set up parish Marriage Care Ministry; 3. The Who to recruiting and being Marriage Angels! 4. Praying for and with distressed couples, and ways to teach them how to pray that open the marriage to HEAL; 5. Coaching techniques and skills that HELP with a distressed couple to give them a renewed sense of HOPE; 5. Practice in these skills and techniques; 6. How to set up PLAN of RECOVERY for individual couples including the "next-step" resources and referrals that aid a distressed couple in their marriage recovery. Quizzes are to be completed at end of each segment that will lead to certification and "Marriage Angels Pin". (Pin can be purchased after completion of Training.) 

Marriage Care Ministry is a parish-based ministry that serves to assist distressed couples to refocus and gain a sense of HOPE; provide HELP through insights, communication skills, and plan of recovery that includes other resources and referrals; and, the prayers and care to HEAL the marriage. Promotional materials, business cards, Banner,